Signature Generator Form

Please use the form below to generate your SD 308 email signature for Gmail. This will not work for Gmail mobile devices. Instructions on changing your Gmail signature are available at Gmail Help


  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Many of the form fields are optional. Please complete the fields that best fit your signature.
  3. Note: Check the "Do you need a confidentiality notice?" box in order to add custom information.
  4. Note: Due to length restrictions of GMail, you may only be able to select one additional school and need to limit your "Confidentiality Notice."
  5. Click the "Generate Signature" button.
  6. Receive a code from titled Verification Code for SD308 Signature Generator.
  7. Enter this code to save your contact information for easy mobile transfer.
  8. Copy the rendered web content and paste it into the Gmail signature editor.
  9. Copy the HTML code and paste it into the Gmail signature editor.
  10. Click "Save Changes" in the Gmail signature editor.

Validation Code

Please check for an email from

Enter your validation code:

Primary Signature

Mobile Signature

Most mobile devices will not allow a signature with any code. Please use the copy below.

QR Contact Data

Below you will a QR code that you can save to use for business cards and other items that will easily store share your business contact information.

Signature Code Version

Below you will find the HTML code of your signature for non-gmail based email applications. Please copy this code wherever HTML signatures are allowed.